All Islamic Names

Names Of OIC Islamic Countries

In this article we will describe names of the of OIC Islamic countries; discovering the layers of history, culture, and modernity that define them.

Islam is the primary religion of these countries, a faith with vast variety and depth. The ways in which Islam relates with these nations’ political, social, and cultural structures, however, differ greatly. Every country on our list, from those with a majority of Muslims to those whose laws are influenced by Islam, has a unique history.

The Largest Muslim Population

Indonesia is a home of the world’s largest Muslim population. Despite the fact there is secular government in this country, the majority of its population consists of Muslims. With over 230 million Muslims, Indonesia comprises of about 13% of the  total population in the Muslim world.

Amongst the 57 OIC member countries, primarily there are 22 countries that are Arabic-speaking. For example countries in the Middle East and North Africa such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, and the UAE. Arabic is a central and unifying language in these countries, though many countries also have other local languages as well.

Geographical Distribution

There are 57 OIC Islamic countries across four continents:

  • Asia: The largest continent, with countries like, Pakistan, Indonesia Turkey and Bangladesh.
  • Africa: Includes countries such as Nigeria, Algeria, Egypt, and Morocco.
  • Europe: Countries such as Turkey (partly in Europe), Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (observer status).
  • America: This includes countries like Guyana and Suriname.

This distribution shows the global existence and diversity of the Islamic world. The interpretation and practice of Islam vary significantly amongst these countries due to variations in their historical, cultural and regional influences, while maintaining the fundamental and core beliefs of the religion Islam.

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Common Traits In Muslim Countries

In spite of  their diversity, there are some common cultural characteristics shared among these nations:

Faith Or Belief: The basic faith in oneness of God and belief in Muhammad (PBUH) as being the last messenger of God is strictly common in all Muslims throughout the world.

Religious Practices: Basic Islamic practices like daily prayers, fasting during Ramadan, and the pilgrimage to Mecca are very common.

Language:  Due to the Quran, Arabic language retains the special place in Islamic culture, even in non-Arabic Muslim countries.

Hospitality: In many Muslim countries there is strong tradition of hospitality.

Family Values: Emphasis on family and community is primarily a common cultural trait.

Art and Architecture: Islamic art and architecture, is globally renowned for its beautiful designs and geometric patterns.

These commonly shared traits reflect the rich connectivity of the Islamic world, demonstrating the unity in diversity across these nations.

List Of OIC Muslim Countries

Here’s the list of names of the 57 countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), mentioned in alphabetical order:

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Albania
  3. Algeria
  4. Azerbaijan
  5. Bahrain
  6. Bangladesh
  7. Benin
  8. Brunei Darussalam
  9. Burkina Faso
  10. Cameroon
  11. Chad
  12. Comoros
  13. Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
  14. Djibouti
  15. Egypt
  16. Gabon
  17. Gambia
  18. Guinea
  19. Guinea-Bissau
  20. Guyana
  21. Indonesia
  22. Iran
  23. Iraq
  24. Jordan
  25. Kazakhstan
  26. Kuwait
  27. Kyrgyzstan
  28. Lebanon
  29. Libya
  30. Malaysia
  31. Maldives
  32. Mali
  33. Mauritania
  34. Morocco
  35. Mozambique
  36. Niger
  37. Nigeria
  38. Oman
  39. Pakistan
  40. Palestine
  41. Qatar
  42. Saudi Arabia
  43. Senegal
  44. Sierra Leone
  45. Somalia
  46. Sudan
  47. Suriname
  48. Syria
  49. Tajikistan
  50. Togo
  51. Tunisia
  52. Turkey
  53. Turkmenistan
  54. Uganda
  55. United Arab Emirates
  56. Uzbekistan
  57. Yemen

These countries are members of the OIC and have dominant Muslim populations. But there are also some countries in the world such as china, India and Russia with a majority of Muslim population.

Non OIC Muslim Countries

While the 57 OIC member countries are often highlighted for their Muslim-majority populations, there are many other nations where Islam plays a significant role due to existence of vast majority of Muslim communities. These countries governments, though basically not Muslim, but have significant Muslim populations that contribute to their cultural and religious diversity.


China has a big Muslim population, mainly includes ethnic groups like the Hui and Uighurs. Particularly the northwest region of Xinjiang, there is a large Uighur Muslim community. In spite of having many challenges regarding religious freedom and human rights, these communities have a rich history and have significantly influenced Chinese culture, especially in food and architecture.


India, being the world’s third-largest Muslim community, has a rich Islamic heritage, mainly in its literature, architecture, and foods. Muslims are about 14% of India’s population, especially in states like Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and Kerala. The historical influence of Islam in India is notable, with contributions in various fields and the formation of common multiple religious aspects.


Russia includes the large Muslim community, primarily in the regions of Volga-Ural and the North Caucasus. Tatars and Bashkirs are the two biggest Islamic ethnic groups in the country. Russian Muslims are integrated into the Russian society and have a long history background connected to the medieval Volga Bulgaria and the Golden Horde.


In Ethiopia, Islam is a major religion since its early days. About a third of the population is Muslim, the country possesses a rich Islamic tradition, particularly in region of Harar, which is known for its walled city and several mosques.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has a Muslim minority, consisting of 9% of the total population. The Muslim community in Sri Lanka, primarily Moors and Malays, represent the distinct identity and contribute to the island’s diverse cultures


In Mindanao, the southern region of Philippines there is a  large Muslim population, mostly  belonging to different Moro ethnic groups. Basically Muslims are a minority in this Catholic country, however they play an important role in the cultural and social aspect of the region.


In Thailand, Muslims are in significant minority, mostly populated in the southern provinces. Thai Muslims have a rich culture and contributed to the country’s diversity in terms of culture, traditions and foods.

These above mentioned countries are not part of the 57-nations OIC list, but describes the global presence of Islam. Furthermore highlighting the religion’s diversity and cultural influence.

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