Islamic Names For Boys

Muslim Boys Names With T

An Islamic name is a symbol of identity as a Muslim and not only a label or social norm for Muslims. The name should convey Islamic principles and beliefs as well as the parents’ hopes and dreams for their kid. The meanings of many Islamic names are derived from the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Quran. For instance, the Arabic meaning of the names Mohammed is “praise ” . And the name of Fatima meaning “captivating” or “charming. Muslim names for boys starting with T are mostly common throughout Muslim community.

By selecting an Islamic name for baby We establish a connection between the kid and the larger Muslim community. And It can also help in fostering the strong feeling of Islamic cultural heritage and customs.

Muslim Boys Names Starting With T

TaimoorSelf-Made, (made of) Steel, Strongتیمور
TalhaKind Of A Tree, Fruitful Tree From Heaven, Companion’s Nameطلحہ
TahaPure, Mystic, Name Of a Surah, Prophet’s Nameطہٰ
TauseefPraiser, Statement Glimmer Qualityتوصیف
TahirPure, Clean, Chasteطاہر
TabassumSmile Happinessتبسم
TayyabNice, Fine, Excellent, Holy, Sacred, Perfume, Smell.طیب
TariqA Late Visitorطارق
TabishWarmth. Brilliance.تابش
TaufeeqProsperity. Helpتوفیق
TauheedUnderstanding the, unity of Godتوحید
TasleemVariant Of Taslim: Total Submission, Salutation.تسلیم
TawakkalGlimmer Trustتوکل
TalalNice, Admirableطلال
TanzeemTo Manage, Arrange Glimmerتنظیم
TameemPerfect, Completeتمیم
TabraizThe Axتبریز
TasneemFountain Of Paradise.تسنیم
TalibSeeker (Of Truth), Studentطالب
TamjeedGlimmer Statement Seniority Of Allahتمجید
TomaIn american meaning is : Twinتوما
TauqeerHonor. Respect.توقیر
TanzeelPopular, the fallتنزیل
TabarakHallowed, Magnifiedطبارک
TufailMediator. Expedient.طفیل
TarekMorning Star. Variant Of Tariqطارق
TaqiGod-Conscious, God-Fearingتقی

Muslim Boys Names Starting With T

TaahirPure, Chaste, Modestطاہر
TathirEffectiveness, Impressionتطہیر
TahoorPurify, Pure Toطہور
TamheedTitle, introductionتمہید
TasadduqGiving Alms, Donationتصدق
TaysirMakes Easierتیسر
TurgutHouse Or Housing, Places To Sit Or Stayترگت
TalishRising, Lightطالش
TaamirOne Who Knows Datesتامیر
TajdarKing, The Crownتاجدار
TaariqNightcomer, Morning Starطارق
TaslimIn Sindhi meaning is : Submission.تسلیم
TanweerEnlightening Illuminatingتنویر
TareqMorning Star. Variant Of Tariqطارق
TabariFamous Muslim historian( Arbic origin )طاباری
TauqirHonor, Respectتوقیر
TanwirEnlightening, Illuminatingتنویر
TehsinAdmiration And Praise Rayتحسین
TasmirStrongly Condensedتسمیر
TauseeqStrengthening, maturityتوثیق
TayyarHazrat Jafar titleطیار
TaiebTo Repentتائب
TariqueMorning Star. Variant Of Tariqطارق
TituDear, Beloved, Darling, Lovable, Favouriteٹیٹو
TayseerVariant Of Taysir: Facilitationتیسر

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