Islamic Name For Boys

Islamic Names for baby boy

Choosing a name for your baby is a thoughtful process. Factors like sound, meaning, and family significance play a role. Parents must consider the phonetic beauty of the name and how it harmonizes with the family surname. Islamic guidelines provide a spiritual perspective on naming. Here we will describe in details how to choose Islamic names for baby boy.

Important Aspects while Naming


Names are considered a trust, and these are attached with a person for whole life so it is recommended to choose names with good meanings and avoid names that may carry negative connotations. This ensures that the child carries a name that is a source of blessing. Muslim names are known for their meaningful significance. They often convey virtues, blessings, or aspirations. Understanding the meaning of a name adds depth to the choice and reinforces the importance of a good name.


While classic names are beloved, there’s a world of unique and less common names that deserve recognition. Names like Idris, Ihsan, and Tariq offer a distinctive charm while remaining firmly rooted in Islamic tradition.

Gender Specific:

In the Muslim world, names are often gender-specific, with names for boys and girls distinct in sound and meaning. This adds a beautiful layer of significance to the name selection process. The diversity of the Muslim world brings with it a multitude of naming traditions. Names can vary from one region to another, influenced by language and culture.

Historical Names:

Many Muslim names are inspired by historical figures who have made significant contributions to the world. Names like Ibn Sina, Al-Farabi, and Rumi honor the legacy of these great individuals.

Other Factors:

Trends in Naming Names, like fashion, experience trends. Popular culture, literature, and even celebrities influence naming choices. Names inspired by literature and media have made their way into the Muslim naming landscape.

Here is the list top Islamic names for boys.

SR#NamesArabic NamesMeanings in English
1-ArhamارحامMercy, Compassion, Kindness
2-AryanآریانWarrior, invasionary mind people, related to prehistoric Arya people
3-ZayanزیانBeautiful, Hospitable, Graceful
4-HuzaifaحذیفہWise, Intellectual Man, Having the ability to perceive, A Name Of Prophet’s Companion
5-AzlanازلانLion, Brave, Courageous man
6-RayanریعانSoft touch, Fresh, paradise gate
7-ShayanشایانWorthy, Deserving, Meriting
8-AayanعایانGod’s Gift, Manifest, Blessing
9-ArishعریشRighteous, Nobel, A Brave Solider
10-FaizanفیضانGreat Beneficence, Charity, Favor, Graceful Man
11-RohaanروحانAs Pure Spirit, Spiritual, Kindhearted, Compassionate
12-FarhanفرحانHappiness, Laughter, Happy, Cheerful Boy
13-AaronارونExalted One, Enlightened, High Mountain
14-AfanعفانTo Forgive, A Person Who Forgives, Modest
15-KiyanکایانBeing, Existence, Essence, Surname Of Persian King
16-MuslimمسلمSubmitting Oneself To Allah
17-SameerثمیرJovial, Beneficial, Entertaining Companion, Good Friend
18-AmanامانSafety, Protection, Peace
19-KaifکیفPleasure, Spirit, Exhilaration, A State Of Joy
20-SarimصارمBrave, Courageous, Sharp Sword

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